One of the most difficult tasks of any parent, grandparent or other guardian to engage in is a child custody case. For whatever reason you have to take on this challenge, you have decided it is in the best interest of your loved one. While lawyers take on the legal end of things, the courts are a fact based decision maker. While you know the best interest of the child is with you, you have to prove that in court. Courts are almost always for both parents being key players in a childs life and while in a perfect world that would be great, it is sometimes not in the childs best interest.

Private Investigators take that daunting task of burden if proof out of you hands. While you may know that the individual(s) are not the care taker and role model your loved one deserves, the fact is you have to have evidence and proof to back up your claims. Our services give you the tools you need as we take all measures possible to assist you in your case. We deploy surveillance teams, gps tracking and cyber detectives to get everything you need to build your case.

For more information, please call for a FREE consultation.

Custody Investigations
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